NeSA 2018 kiittää osallistujia!
Toinen NeSA-kesäkoulu oli menestyksekäs ja keräsi eri kansalaisuuksia jälleen yhteen. Onnistuimme tarjoamaan osallistujillemme jälleen kerran hienon esports-tapahtuman. Yhteensä 24 vierailevaa valmentajaa ja luennoitsijaa vierailivat kesäkoulullamme neljän viikon aikana. Mukaan mahtui valmennuksen puitteissa muun muassa Niclas "Creed" Haagensen sekä Astralis-joukkueen psykologi Mia Stellberg.
Kesäkoulun aikana osallistujat paransivat taitojaan elektronisen urheilun saralla, ja osallistuivat luennoille jotka vaihtelivat fyysisestä hyvinvoinnista eSport-liiketoimintaan. Kesäkoululaiset myös harjoittelivat ahkerasti, ja luentojen jälkeen illat sujuivat harjoittelun ja otteluiden analysoinnin merkeissä valmentajien kanssa. Pelaamisen lisäksi osallistujat pelaajille järjestettiin muun muassa jousiammuntaa sekä jalkapalloa. Suosituin peli oli Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, mutta myös muut kilpaurheilupelit olivat tulevien ammattilaisten joukossa suosittuja.
Kaikki huipentui viimeisenä viikonloppuna kun HAVU Gaming seisoi mestarina toista kertaa putkeen ja koppasi pääpalkinnon CS:GO-lopputurnauksessamme Kajaanissa. Onneksi olkoon!
Odotamme jo innolla ensi vuoden haastajia, sitä odotellessa tutustu kuviin vuoden 2018 turnauksesta ja kesäkoulusta

Puhujat 2018

Niclas ”Creed” Haagensen: The 30 year old veteran makes the full transition to coaching. Having played the game for more than 15 years he has developed many teams and talents during his career. Known for his strategy development, keen observations and pattern recognition, Creed has been among top 5 in Denmark for 5 years consecutively with talents such as dupreeh, vnG and orga. Now he has taken a step back from playing competitively and puts his energy into developing the players of tomorrow by

Mia Stellberg is a licensed psychologist with a long history of working with athletes in Olympics as well as eSports. As the team psychologist of Team Astralis she was a key element in bringing them their first major CS:GO championship in 2017.

Kieran “ZergRush” Lam broke into the esports scene by achieving the No.1 ranking in Heroes of Newerth’s Ranked Ladder in the South East Asia region back in 2009 and being a Malaysian representative for an International tournament (HonTour). He eventually made the switch to Dota 2 and has since been playing with the best players in the local scene. Mr. Lam is currently employed as the Principal of The Academy of Esports, an education institute focusing on elevating the Malaysian eSports scene.

Kasperi Kivistö, Esports Manager at Critical Force, has been developing the competitive scene of mobile FPS Critical Ops for the past two years. He'll be sharing his experiences working on community tournament programs and the tools game developers have for developing a competitive environment for esports.

Niklas Pehkonen is the current eSports manager at team SuperJymy and also works as an eSports coach at the Vuokatti-Ruka Sports Academy. Pehkonen has a Bachelor’s degree in business administration as well as a long history with Counter-Strike. He has experience working as both as a coach and a manager, and has been involved in many different eSport projects. At NeSA, Niklas will be lecturing about team organizations and player branding.

Heli Turunen is the study psychologist at the Kajaani University of Applied Sciences. She has graduated as a Master of Psychology and she also has a Bachelor's degree in International Business.
Yhteistyössä 2018